Monday 28 February 2011

Graphs showing the data collected from my music magazine questionnaire

Graph 1: This graph has shown me that most people would like the magazine to be released weekly and no one wishes for it to be released fortnightly.

Graph 2: Graph 2 shows that a majority of people wish for the price of t magazine to be up to £2, An equal amount of people answered that the magazine should be between £1 and £2 to those who answered 'Under £1', because of this I will price my magazine at £1.85 so that it is not out of the price range of my target audience, whilst still collecting money at a near - maximum price.

Graph 3: From this graph I can see that most people think that it is important for a music magazine to be accompanied by a website, because of this I will create a magazine in conjunction with my magazine that will be mentioned within the magazine.

Graph 4: Graph 4 shows that out of RnB, Hip-Hop, Grime, Pop, Rock and Indie, RnB is the most popular genre with the Sixth formers at Hampstead and that Indie is the least popular. After collecting this set of results I have decided to base my music magazine on RnB music.

Graph 5: This graph shows that the most popular genre of magazine being read at our school is gossip, and that of those who do read magazines music magazines are the least popular. As the most popular magazines are gossip I can guess that most magazine readers are girls therefore I will ensure my magazine has a lot of articles directed at a female audience and i will also make sure to include a lot of gossip content in the magazine.

Graph 6: From this set of results i can see that the most read magazine is 'NME' which, surprisingly, focuses on the indie genre which was voted least popular by the respondents. This shows that for a magazine to be successful it has to cover a wide range of genre's and must focus on the quality of its articles so as not to exclude any niche in the market.

Graph 7: This graph has shown that the most popular artists currently are generally Hip-Hop, RnB and pop artists such as Nicki Minaj, Drake and Beyonce, because of this i will make my magazine feature articles on these popular artists to grab the audience of my target audience.

Graph 8: Graph 8 showed that respondents thought that the two most important features of a magazine were the inclusion of new releases and interviews with artists, from this i will make sure that my magazine places emphasis on the people who are are successful at the moment, people soon to be successful and the current charts and that there is a good number of interviews in my magazine.

Friday 18 February 2011

Draft of front cover

This is a copy of my draft of the front cover of ECHO which has been hand drawn. To create this front page i had to use both dafont and word to search for an appropriate font to use for my masthead and consequently the rest of the magazine. The font i found and used was 'corbel' which i found on word. I chose this font because it is very clear and easy to read, also it is curvilinear so this gives the font a brightness and personality. Also, i had to use the Internet to find an appropriate image of my cover artist, Rihanna, the image had to be taken from the music video for her song, Rudeboy, as this was what i was basing the photo shoot on this style. The features on the page are of the same font and the colours used on them are red and purple, i used these colours because they are bright and follow along with the theme of 'Rudeboy'.This front cover also has a barcode on it, and above that, the isuue nu,ber and date of release of the magazine.

Thursday 17 February 2011

Music magazine flat plan

I have created a flat plan for my music magazine, the purpose of this is to plan out what will be in the the magazine and identify where all the different articles and features will go. The flat plan also gives us an idea of the esssence of the issue, and how it should be portrayed on the front page acording to its inside articles.

first draft layout of music magazine contents page

This is the first draft of my layout of the contents page of my music magazine, the page is organised into three columns so that the page looks organised and sleek. The contents list is surrounded by images of the artists within the magazine.
The background colour is a metallic grey which is plain and so will not detract from the main articles or the contetnts list but will gove the magazine a sleek look emphassing the genre of music and the persona of the artists with in the magazine.
Under each of the images is a brief description of the person in the picture, why they are there and the page number their feature will be found on.

Friday 11 February 2011

First draft of Front cover Music Magazine

This is my first, very basic, draft of the front cover layout of my music magzine. The blue boxes represent where the cover features will be placed; these features are place around and behind the key image, this is to keep the focus of the front cover on the cover artist and also to follow the convntions of XXL magazine which I am emulating. The only feature which covers the main image will be the one that corresponds to the cover artist and the colouring of this feature will be a part of the colour-code of this edition. The font of this feature will be the largest on the page so that eyes go straight from the image to this headline

Thursday 3 February 2011

Graphs and Evalutaion of data.


After receiving the responses from my questionnaire, I have gathered the data and consolidated it all into 6 graphs which tell me the collective answers from Sixth formers, students and parents to the questions I have asked.
Graph 1 shows me that most people are unlikely to buy the school magazine on a weekly basis; this tells me that I will have to work to create a USP of my magazine and tells me that I cannot expect to have the widest possible audience.                                                                                                    
Graph2 shows me that, overall, people are most interested in seeing the achievements of our school and are least concerned with reading about school league tables; from this I have decided to include a range of achievements within all subjects and that, if any, only a small feature on school league tables will be needed.
Graph 3 tells me that the majority of people would like the school magazine to either be free or below 50p, because of this I will make my magazine free in order to not dismiss the audience of the magazine who will not purchase it if it is above 50p in price.
Graph 4 demonstrates that, collectively, most audience members believe images to be the most important feature of a magazine’s front page, due to this I will make my front cover dominated by one key image and will feature only limited amounts of text.
Graph 5 reveals to me that few people purchase any magazine more frequently than once a month; this tells me that I will have to make my magazine a monthly one in order to keep the interest of my audience.
 Graph 6 displays that there is an evenly spread opinion as to whether the school magazine follows the schools colour code, if anything, the graph suggests slightly that most people think it is irrelevant; because of this mixed response I will be able to loosely follow the colour code of the school whilst keeping the basic colours but being free to change them.

School magazine flat plan