Thursday 3 February 2011

Graphs and Evalutaion of data.


After receiving the responses from my questionnaire, I have gathered the data and consolidated it all into 6 graphs which tell me the collective answers from Sixth formers, students and parents to the questions I have asked.
Graph 1 shows me that most people are unlikely to buy the school magazine on a weekly basis; this tells me that I will have to work to create a USP of my magazine and tells me that I cannot expect to have the widest possible audience.                                                                                                    
Graph2 shows me that, overall, people are most interested in seeing the achievements of our school and are least concerned with reading about school league tables; from this I have decided to include a range of achievements within all subjects and that, if any, only a small feature on school league tables will be needed.
Graph 3 tells me that the majority of people would like the school magazine to either be free or below 50p, because of this I will make my magazine free in order to not dismiss the audience of the magazine who will not purchase it if it is above 50p in price.
Graph 4 demonstrates that, collectively, most audience members believe images to be the most important feature of a magazine’s front page, due to this I will make my front cover dominated by one key image and will feature only limited amounts of text.
Graph 5 reveals to me that few people purchase any magazine more frequently than once a month; this tells me that I will have to make my magazine a monthly one in order to keep the interest of my audience.
 Graph 6 displays that there is an evenly spread opinion as to whether the school magazine follows the schools colour code, if anything, the graph suggests slightly that most people think it is irrelevant; because of this mixed response I will be able to loosely follow the colour code of the school whilst keeping the basic colours but being free to change them.

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