Monday 21 March 2011

Copies of original images used

Used as key image on front cover
     Used on Contents page as main image
     Used on two page spread
     Used on two page spread
     Used on two page spread

Saturday 19 March 2011

Final front cover

My final front cover takes inspiration form the theme of Rihanna's song, 'Rudeboy', it is bright and colourful and my model  wears an outfit copied from the music video. On both sides of the front cover there are coverlines which consist of a headline and a description of the article. These coverlines are placed around the image and overlap the image so that the main articles are very obvious but the smaller articles do not distract from the image. The model in my picture comes across as arrogant and big-headed because she doesnt look at hte camera in her shot, but she does show off her accessories. This pose represents the swagger of Hip-Hop music and lets the reader know that ECHO is about Hip-Hop music.

Friday 18 March 2011

Front cover draft 3

This draft of the front cover has only been changed slightly, and this draft is an alternative to the previous, rather than an ammended version.The feature that has been added is the advertisement for Skullcandy headphones, i thouight it was important to include this feature no only to fill up the space but so that there is more than just information on interviews and artists in the magazine

'Creating your own magazine' questionnaire

Creating your own magazine
Complete this planning sheet for your magazine and then begin planning your first articles

What genre of magazine will it be? Music

Who are the target audience? Males and Females aged 14 - 28

What articles will you include in your magazine?
List of articles
1. Brits winners, losers and next years Brits
2.  The GRAMMY’s winners and losers
3. Artist interviews with Rihanna, Plan B, Jennifer and      Lopez and Drake
4. Clothing and the style
5. Staff’s choice awards
6. The best talent coming from the month
7. Shocks and scandals
8.  Music charts, what’s new, whose number 1

What other things will it contain? – quizzes, horoscopes etc
1. Poster images of artists
2. ‘Have your say’ Letters that the audience have written in
3. Quizzes on music trivia
4. The magazine and when it will be on TV
5.  Next months issue and what it will include
6. Gigs, forthcoming gigs that the readers can buy tickets for

What will be advertised in your magazine?

1 Trainers - Adidas
2 Lil Wayne album
3 Mobile phone – Sony Ericsson
4 Coca -Cola
5 Laptop - Dell
6 Nike clothing - sportswear
7 Blackberry
8 Football shirts – order website
9 Signed Drake album
10  Cologne - Diesel

What will be on the front page?

Title ECHO
Price £1.85
Date 18th March 2011
Cover lines Interview with Rihanna, Drake and a competition.

Freebies The chance to win skullcandy headphones FREE if you enter a competition.

Other Information on the website, and a brief introduction to the contents of the magazine; runs along the top of the page.

Monday 14 March 2011

Second draft of two page spread

This, the final draft of the two page spread feature extra additions to the previous draft. The masthead of the page (RIHANNA!) is in large font and placed at the top of the first page. Also, three quotes from the interview are placed around the page, breaking up the space and making it easier to look at.

First draft of music magazine front cover

This front page follows a purple and white colour scheme that runs through the magazine, all the text on the page is either white or purple. The font of all the text is 'corbel', also following the house theme. The main image is a wide shot, of 'Rihanna' taken of the full body against a brick wall which gives us the background of the whole page. The front cover has two main features on it, one of the main interview with the cover artist and another of the second, smaller, interview with 'Drake'. There is also a list on the front cover, in the bottom right hand corner, comprising of the people who will be featured in this issue of ECHO. There is also a thin strip at the top of the page which details the price of the magazine and a brief introduction to the magazine. I have followed the conventions of XXL magazine fwhilst making this front cover, in doing so i have; made a masthead which stays in the same position throughout each issue, used only three colours (excluding the colours in the image) to make up the features of the front cover, there is only one image and this is of the artist who has the main interview in the magazine and the list detailing the artist that can be found in the magazine.

First draft of two page spread

This is the first draft of my two page spread, an interview with Rihanna. On each of the pages the text has been split into three columns so that it is easy to read, and the page is broken down so that it does not look daunting to read. The images i have used are all of the cover artist posing in a photo shoot, and in each the artist is wearing the same outfit. This continuity shows that the images have been purposely taken in a photoshoot for the magazine, showing the professionalism of the magazine.
The two page spread has a white background, this makes the page look sleek and means that there is no colourful background to detract from the quality of the images. The text on the page is in 'corbel' font, size 12, The questions and answers are separated by being in different colours, the questions are in purple, following the purple theme of the magazine and the purple in the outfit of the artist in the images. The answers are in black, i chose black because it stands out against the white background and because any other colour would have taken away from the sleekness of the page.
There are still amendments to be made to this page, the masthead must be added, this will be a large title of the artist name (Rihanna) and a blank white space on the right of the second page must be filled with either an image, text, or a quote.

First draft of music magazine contents page

On the first draft of my contents page i have split the page into two columns, the first column's main feature is an image of the cover artist, the background of this image correlates to the background of the whole page. At the very top of this column is the beginning of the contents listing. The page is framed by the banner that runs along the width of the page at the top, this banner is of a different font colour to the contents list and this is to differentiate between the two separate texts on the page. The font of the texts runs the same throughout the whole magazine, 'corbel', and does not change in any of the text, this is so that the magazine looks sophisticated. This contents page was based upon the contents page of XXL magazine whereby i have only used one large image, taking up most of the page, of the cover artist, and the text is aligned to the right and is on the right hand side of the page.