Monday 14 March 2011

First draft of two page spread

This is the first draft of my two page spread, an interview with Rihanna. On each of the pages the text has been split into three columns so that it is easy to read, and the page is broken down so that it does not look daunting to read. The images i have used are all of the cover artist posing in a photo shoot, and in each the artist is wearing the same outfit. This continuity shows that the images have been purposely taken in a photoshoot for the magazine, showing the professionalism of the magazine.
The two page spread has a white background, this makes the page look sleek and means that there is no colourful background to detract from the quality of the images. The text on the page is in 'corbel' font, size 12, The questions and answers are separated by being in different colours, the questions are in purple, following the purple theme of the magazine and the purple in the outfit of the artist in the images. The answers are in black, i chose black because it stands out against the white background and because any other colour would have taken away from the sleekness of the page.
There are still amendments to be made to this page, the masthead must be added, this will be a large title of the artist name (Rihanna) and a blank white space on the right of the second page must be filled with either an image, text, or a quote.

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