Thursday 27 January 2011

Contents page

This is the final draft of my contents page for my school magazine, 'Hampstead Hype', on it, i have  also included the red and black colour scheme of the school, i have done this by continuing to use the red border line surrounding the page and by featuring the school logo in the top right hand corner of the page. It is important to include the school logo on the contents page so that, again, the magazine does not become seperate from the school and its values. The word 'contents' is spread across the top of page in large black font, by making this word cover most ofthe width of the page it gives structur eto the rest of the page. 7 different images feature on the article page which are all original images of students, the school building, and places around school. I have included 7 images so that the page is eyecatching and so that the reader is not overwhelmed by text on the page and instead can see what the magazine is likely to be made up of by looking at these images. Also on the contents page are four sections filled with text, one detailing the upcoming exam timetables that students will need, one detailing what is coming up within the next few weeks at school, one a message from the headteacher and the fourth being the list of the magazines contents. Each of these features are very imporatnant to the magazine, the exam timetable is very  importatn in reminding our students of when they will be sitting there exams and of our support and commintment in mamking sure they get good grades. The mesage from the headteacher is also a very important feature, it shows our students that we have a very 'hands on; head teacher who is involved in all aspects of the school and it also shows parents the opinions of the headteacher that they might not have gotten otherwise. The list of contents is placed in the centre of the page in the middle of the images, this is so that it is the first thing that the reader sees.

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